Receive messages and guidance from the spirit realm. Experience your message with customized guided imagery and crystals in a healing sound bath. You are empowered to tap into your own inner guidance as you formulate a question and choose an oracle card. Tracy will offer crystals that help you deepen your experience of the card's message and will incorporate the message from your card into the guided imagery and meditation.

A Sound Spa is so much more than a sound bath. Enjoy soothing and therapeutic sound from a wide variety of instruments delivered by an experienced and trained Sound Therapist in a spa-like atmosphere with massage tables, blankets, and cushions for your comfort. Each Sound Spa experience is intuitively tailored to your needs and energy--there will not be more than 4 participants in each Sound Spa.

  • A sacred and safe container. Guided imagery. Sound that enhances meditation and imagery. Intuitively chosen themes and subjects. High vibration, wisdom, and truth. Brain entrainment for relaxation, peace, and bliss. Customized imagery and affirmations to support your unique needs

    Potential Ingredients: Each sound bath is unique and created using a combination of any of the following: two 36” gongs, 1 wind gong, 16 crystal singing bowls, 11 metal Himalayan bowls, 14 chimes (Koshi, Zaphir, Theta), crystal pyramid, Woodstock chime bar, waterfall chime bar, drums, and tuning forks.

  • Let us do the mixing and pouring. You just need to come with an open and curious mind. Journal and pen recommended.

  • Safe for everyone. Maybe life-changing. Habitual use will bring faith, a knowing that you're not alone, belief in your purpose, and a sense of being loved and cared for. Spontaneous bliss, euphoria, and profound insights probable. Do not operate heavy machinery--seriously, make sure you are grounded after this class. The sound can be too intense for young ears--adults only please

  • Tracy is a gifted intuitive guide and psychic who has extensive experience in working with individual clients who seek guidance and assistance from the spirit realms. She is a teacher and healing facilitator who is an expert in creating and holding sacred space. Tracy holds many certifications in the intuitive arts and in spiritual leadership. No two sound events with Tracy are the same as she uses both technical knowledge and intuition to create an experience unique to the needs and energy of each class. Tracy is a Certified Sound Bath Practitioner and holds numerous certifications in sound therapy. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher and a Crystal Reiki Master Teacher, and she has spent thousands of hours studying sound, crystal, aroma, and energy healing therapies.

Specialty Sound Spa Schedule