Therapeutic Sound in Total Comfort

Experience the relaxing and therapeutic benefits of a sound bath in a spa-like atmosphere. Our Sound Spa events are designed to offer healing soundscapes in a serene setting. So much more than a sound bath, Sound Spas include soothing and therapeutic sound from a wide variety of instruments delivered by an experienced and trained Sound Therapist in a peaceful atmosphere with massage tables, blankets, and cushions for your comfort. Each Sound Spa experience is intuitively tailored to your needs and energy--there will not be more than 4 participants in each Sound Spa.

Sound Spa: Luxury Sound Bath

So much more than a sound bath. Enjoy soothing and therapeutic sound from a wide variety of instruments delivered by an experienced and trained Sound Therapist in a spa-like atmosphere with massage tables, blankets, and cushions for your comfort. Each Sound Spa experience is intuitively tailored to your needs and energy--there will not be more than 4 participants in each Sound Spa.

Sound Spa: Luxury Sound Bath + Aromatherapy

Enjoy an amazing therapeutic sound bath enriched with aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a centuries-old practice that has been scientifically shown to positively influence your well-being. Relax in nourishing sound with an essential oil infused cloth and allow the scent molecules to move directly to the emotional center of the brain. Sound + Aroma has been one of our most popular offerings–treat yourself to aroma-infused sound and see why.


Specialty Sound Spas for Sound Aficionados

Designed for those who want to explore sound experiences more deeply, these sessions give you more of the instruments you adore or offer soundscapes from our instruments that we don’t use in regular Sound Spas.

koshi chime sound bath

Chime Bath Sound Spa

Everyone loves the chime segment of our Sound Spas, and a lot of people tell us it's their favorite part. So we are excited to bathe you in soothing sound from our chimes with ambient singing bowls. Enjoy comforting and therapeutic sound from harmonic combinations of our 20+ collection of Koshi and koshi-type chimes with simple singing bowls in the background. This experience will be delivered by two experienced and trained Sound Bath Practitioners in a spa-like atmosphere.

Metal Singing Bowls Sound Spa

Metal Himalayan singing bowls create deep and rich sound. Come bathe in these luxurious tones to nurture and sooth your nervous systems. This experience will include predominant sound from our large collection of metal singing bowls with a simple backdrop of a one crystal singing bowl.

rainstick sound shower sound bath

Sound Shower Sound Spa

Rain is such a soothing sound--we know instinctually that it is essential to life. Rainsticks are known to have been a part of rain-summoning practices all over the world. So, we have created a Sound Spa experience to nourish you and to collectively call for the perfect amount of rain. Join us for a journey into a soothing rain shower with guided imagery, aroma, and live sound. You'll be showered with the sound from our new 4 foot rainstick handcrafted in Pennsylvania--a modern take on an ancient concept. Plus ambient singing bowls and Koshi wind chimes.

Specialty Sound Spas for Mystic Types

Unique and magical, our House Specialties are amazing experiences. These events are usually a combination of different meditative and healing techniques and may include: meditation, ceremony, journaling, affirmations, journeying and sound baths. Offered periodically (like on the Full and New Moons) and seasonally, our House Specialties are sure to delight, empower, and deepen your experience of life. No woo for you? No problem! Choose a private Sound Spa or a group Sound Spa offered at a different time.

full moon sound bath mystical ceremony

Moonshine: Full Moon Clearing Sound Spa

The full moon is a powerful time to release energy, attitudes, wounding, emotions, or anything that you’re just plain DONE with. Harness the power of the full moon in a clearing sound spa, letting go of the old and replenishing with fresh clear energy and light.

moonshine new moon sound journey sound bath

Moonshine: New Moon Sound Journey

Energize and inspire your intentions and desires with the power of the new moon, sacred ceremony, and a deep sound journey. The New Moon is a perfect time to: express gratitude, refine your desires, release resistance, own your worthiness, receive inner guidance about your part in the manifestation process.

Seasonal Sound Spas

Celebrate the season and connect to our Earth home in a nourishing, soothing sound experience. Our Seasonal Specialty Sound Spa events are designed to offer healing soundscapes in a serene setting. Equinoxes, Solstices, and other season-related offerings to help you navigate the year with grace and ease.

Gong Journey Sound Spa

The sound of the gong creates specific frequencies that entrain your brain to alpha and theta states, so that you can explore consciousness and your active imagination. Travel to another realm to receive guidance, support, and help. Come with a question, challenge, or need and emerge with clarity and a sense of being nurtured and held. This event includes sound, guided imagery, and crystals to help you journey to a state of consciousness to receive support and insight.

Reiki & Energy Healing Sound Spa

Reiki is an energy healing modality used all over the world, including hospitals and modern healthcare systems. Using Universal Life Force energy, Reiki balances you on many levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. In this Sound Spa you will learn how to use Universal Life Force Energy to strengthen your body’s natural healing abilities and promote relaxation and peace. Accompanied by live and recorded healing sound, Tracy will guide you through simple Reiki self-treatments and will offer individual energy healing to support any specific intentions you wish to share with her.

On the Rocks Sound Spa

This synergistic combination of sound and crystal vibration is a customized experience, providing the energetic support you need, right now. You are empowered to tap into your own inner guidance as you choose the crystals just right for you. Select a crystal oracle card and then get to use that crystal in your Sound Spa experience. Tracy will incorporate the message from your card in the guided imagery and meditation.

Mystic Journey Sound Spa

Receive messages and guidance from the spirit realm. Experience your message with customized guided imagery and crystals in a healing sound bath. You are empowered to tap into your own inner guidance as you formulate a question and choose an oracle card. Tracy will offer crystals that help you deepen your experience of the card's message and will incorporate the message from your card into the guided imagery and meditation.